Handwriting vs Typing notes - Which is Better?

The ongoing debate of which form of note-taking is superior is never-ending. With the development of technology, we have naturally gravitated toward typing as our go-to method for note-taking. While typing may be more convenient and allow us to take notes faster, there has been plenty of research that shows handwriting also comes with its own benefits.
What is your favourite form of note-taking? Do you have one? When it comes to choosing which method to use, the answer can be a complicated one, as there can be situations where typing notes would be more beneficial than handwriting them.
Let us take a deeper look into the benefits of both forms of note-taking as well as any drawbacks they may have.
Benefits of handwriting

There are many benefits when it comes to handwriting your notes. Research and evidence show that handwriting has been linked to effective memory recall. Though handwriting is seen as time-consuming, evidence has shown that taking longhand notes (words written out fully by hand) allows for better short and long-term memory recall as these notes are in your own words and handwriting.
Handwriting has been linked to sharper critical thinking as it allows you to think more thoroughly about the information you are taking notes of. Handwriting forces your mind to work a little harder with information given in the moment, your mind tends to summarise key points as your hand may not work fast enough to write everything down and this can help conceptual understanding of the subject.
Handwritten notes force your brain to mentally engage with the information, this can help in improving both literacy and reading comprehension.
Handwriting is a neurosensory exercise and you can benefit from stylizing your handwritten notes as this gives you the chance to analyse and organise your thoughts and ideas for efficient note-taking and personalisation. It is very important to pick a pen-type that fits your writing style.
When writing your notes by hand, because you are more fully engaged in the task at hand, it naturally triggers your creative thoughts and can allow you to solve problems you may otherwise not have been able to.
Benefits of typing notes

Technology-based note-taking allows you to type at a much faster rate than you would do simply by handwriting them, making it a much more efficient method for recording information. Digital platforms have made it much easier to organise your notes and easily send information, rather than copying or scanning notes, you can instantly share with anyone. This makes it a lot easier when it comes to reviewing your notes at a later date.
Technology-based note-taking also allows you to easily back up your information, keeping your notes safe, with handwriting there is always the risk of losing that note-book or piece of paper you made your notes on. Computers can manually or automatically back up your information, giving you peace of mind that your notes are safe and easily accessible.
Disadvantages of handwriting
It is easy to miss information when you are writing notes by hand. Your hand simply can not keep up with everything that is being said and so you may need a more efficient method of note-taking to get the most out of your class, meeting, etc.
Keeping all your notes together can also be another disadvantage of note-taking, whereas on a computer everything can be kept in one digital folder, however, when it comes to handwriting, who knows how many notebooks you may go through and it can make it harder to find the exact information you are looking for.
Disadvantages of typing notes
Research and evidence have shown that typing notes show low retention of information. Since it is a faster method of taking notes, you tend to passively listen and type everything you hear and so your mind does not go through the process of summarising the important information or aid in conceptual understanding.
Technology-based products can be expensive. Whereas pen and paper can only cost you a couple of pounds, technology-based note-taking products can range quite high in price.
Let's Summarise
From looking at both forms of note-taking, it is clear to see that both methods have their benefits. Handwritten notes help you process information at a much faster rate and typing notes help to capture information at a much faster rate. Both of these are critical to learning.
I would suggest that from experience, handwriting can be a much more rewarding and enjoyable experience than typing. Particularly if you are using a nice pen. Let's be honest, if you are a Fountain pen user, you probably love to write anyway. You are more actively involved in the process which aids your cognitive abilities to think through and understand the subject.
Although there are many benefits of both methods there are also drawbacks. What you would most benefit from is a combination of both of these methods- a method of note-taking that will allow you to properly comprehend the information being given, while digitally capturing more learning material to review when needed. The best of both.
With the many benefits of handwriting, it is always best to have a good pen on hand. Executive pens is proud to offer a range of pens that will fit anyone's personal style. If you are still interested in knowing more, please comment down below or contact us via email at sales@executivepensdirect.com.
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